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1. we are in the process of joining a football league we will be attending a meeting in a week and also the cost for the new football team is $5,794,15


Heritage Pre Season football team member                      


  1. …Abdihafid Ali…QB…………………………..............17……zacaria ..……………………



2……abdullahi nur...ILB......…………………………….......18.……………………………


3.……ahmed ahmed…MLB………………………….19…..………………………………………



4.…mohamed shorty WR……………………………20…….………………………………………



5.…Amar Hati……SS……………………22…..………………………………………



6…Saed Muse FS……………………………23…..………………………………………



7…Abdullahi Yusuf IWR………………………24…..………………………………………



8…suhab ibrahim……RB………………25…..………………………………………



9…Abdirahman Ahmed CB……………………………26…..………………………………………



10 Mohamed Ahmed OLB…………………27……..………………………………………



11 Dalal idd ……CB…………………………  28……..………………………………………



12Ali Yusuf………WR………………………   29……..………………………………………






15 Khidar …Mohammud…Punter………………………  31……..…………………


16…mohamed abdi TE…

  …………………………  32……..…………




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